PHONE 785-364-4309
President, Dave Schmitz, opened the watershed board meeting at 7:00pm at the
watershed office with the following board members in attendance: Frank
Gilliland, Tim Bolz, Russ Voelker, Jim Braum, Jim Marietta, Aaron Utz, Dan
Barrow, and Gary Pfrang. Also in
attendance: Dennis White, Watershed
Attorney, Greg Maxwell and Corbin Pfrang with Cook, Flatt and Strobel. Marilyn Snider, Watershed Manager.
Schmitz, discussed the proposal from Cook, Flatt and Strobel (CFS). Also reported that CFS will not have anything
to do with our finances. In the past
Marilyn made out the checks and signed, then a board member signed, then
Marilyn processed the checks to the payee. If CFS is contracted with then they
can pick up the mail at the post office, make out payment for bills and set up
for payment. Two board members would
sign checks. No one from CFS would have anything to do with our finances. CFS would not sign checks. Corbin Pfrang reported everything is hourly. CFS
time would be billed hourly but will not exceed $30,000 annually. With the idea that you could hire another
engineering firm to do significant and high hazard inspections, rehab design
and similar work. How long before
you would want to start? It is up to the
watershed when you would want us to start.
Dave asked how long Marilyn would still have access to Quickbooks? Marilyn replied she would still have
Quickbooks but the payroll aspect goes away the end of May. After the 31st of May Marilyn
would need to keep track of her hours on a contract basis. Dennis remarked that Marilyn will need to be
paid more than she is now. She will be on call.
When Greg calls you, keep track of your time. Dan asked where we would have our
meetings. At least for now they would
have their office out there and we would keep our office and have our meetings
here. The rent is paid once a year on
July 1 for the entire year. The new rent
for the year is $9000. The building the CFS
uses now is owned by Scott Coleman. Frank
mentioned we want everything separate. The
watershed wants to pay our own way. That
way we are free to use other firms for some work. Dennis
asked what other people were interested is working here? Robin Caudle is the only viable prospect. What was the board’s feeling on that? We would have one person who may only stay a
few years and then we would need to go through this all again.
asked how CFS keeps track of their time?
Corbin reported they use a Deltek Accounting system and you can pull up
a specific job and how long a time you spent.
Greg has attended Delaware meetings for years. Added in for client work. Dan asked what is a senior engineer? Corbin reported their executive
engineers are the top of the company.
Much discussion on costs. Greg
will check for messages, mail, etc. Russ
mentioned we still have to do annual audits.
CFS will plan to start May 1 with Marilyn training a
couple weeks. Marilyn noted that she has
some leave time to still be paid for.
Leave time is capped at 40 hours.
Dave suggested that from the 15th of May to 31st Marilyn
not work but the time of leave will be accounted for. But if she is needed during that time period
she would be paid on contract basis. Tim stated that the W2s etc information
will be available at the end of the year on Quickbooks.
Tim Bolz made a motion to accept the CFS contract as
attached beginning May 1, 2022; Jim
Braum seconded. One person abstained. Motion
Passed. After May 31 Marilyn will receive
$30 per hour on contract.Board remembered past board members and discussed that the
Valley Falls Vindicator had an article about Delaware Watershed 65th
anniversary about a month ago. Respectfully submitted Aaron
Utz, Secretary/Treasurer
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
MINUTES, March 24, 2022
President, Dave Schmitz, opened the watershed board meeting at 7:00pm at the
watershed office with the following board members in attendance: Frank
Gilliland, Tim Bolz, Russ Voelker, Jim Braum, Jim Marietta, Dean Burns, Aaron
Utz and Dan Barrow. Also in attendance: Dennis White, Watershed Attorney, Greg Maxwell
with Cook, Flatt and Strobel, Kevin Gustafson , Laura Gray, Jamie Johnson and
Jeff Ladner with NRCS, Marilyn Snider,
Watershed Manager and Chris Schultz with JEO Consulting Group Engineers. Gary Pfrang is heading to the airport to
pickup his wife who was visiting her sick mother in Florida.
Dave Schmitz
noted that we need to add a couple items to the meeting.
approve the annual meeting January 27, 2022.
Jim Braum made the motion and Jim Marietta seconded. Passed. Next approve first quarterly meeting minutes.
Russ Voelker made a motion to approve the minutes and Dean Burns seconded;
increase: Russ Voelker made a motion to
approve a $100 increase per month and Tim Bolz seconded. (We pay annually July 1 each year currently $7800. Going forward that would be $9000). Motion carried.
Report: Questioned the Workmen’s Comp dollar amount. It would have included one field person and
one office person. That should change
after the audit. After review of the January – February treasurer’s
report, Dean Burns made a motion to approve and Russell seconded. Motion carried.
Upon Procedures Report for 2021 books: Discussed
the dollar discrepancy between our books and the bank as a result of checks issued
but not cleared the bank yet. Jim
Marietta made a motion to approve the report as presented and approval to sign
the letter; Dean Burns seconded. Passed. Now Dave can sign the letter of approval back
to Russell Shipley.
opening for A-99 and C-58 pipe replacements.
There were three bidders (a copy of the bid abstract is attached). The low bid is Ohlsen Construction. Jim Marietta made a motion to approve;
Russell seconded the low bidder.
Engineers estimate Ohlsen was right in the middle. Motion passed.
review of Operation and Maintenance Agreements for Elk Creek and
Grasshopper-Coal. Laura Gray, NRCS
Salina discussed. If the watershed has
any concerns on the sites NRCS could help. With repairs can be pointed out to
NRCS. O&M Reports should be
submitted annually. Nebo Creek dams are
still permitted dams and still need to be maintained. NRCS in Association with the State
Association of Kansas Watersheds will do the inspections on the federal PL-566
sites this year. Jim Marietta agreed to
accompany the inspectors. Gus discussed
that the sites over the time of the agreements still need to be inspected (Nebo
Watershed). The watershed’s
responsibility to NRCS is over after the 50 year agreement. On rehabilitation the watershed can ask for
help from NRCS.
Gustafson (Gus) discussed the remaining Grasshopper-Coal and Elk Creek Sites to
be designed and hopefully built. If the
watershed wants to move forward with design and additional environmental analysis
on the desired sites a letter to Gus needs to be received by NRCS by Wednesday
next week. Sites 28A GHC, 4 Elk Creek, 12 Elk Creek and 21 GHC specified. Mitigation costs are included. Jim Braum made a motion to request design and
additional environmental analysis needed; Frank Gilliland seconded. Much discussion followed. Discussed the potential for problems when
there is more than one landowner on a site.
Gus stated that the benefit cost ratio has to be on a site by site basis.
Motion passed.
Gray discussed access to dam watch and whoever is interested.
said that Gary Pfrang mentioned to him that it is getting almost too late to
burn brome.
A 15% fuel surcharge was discussed for this year only. In a text message board members discussed the
15% fuel surcharge this year for NBD Burning.
Tim Bolz made a motion to approve the surcharge; Dean Burns seconded and
the motion passed.
Discussed the difference between cost for acres for
burning pasture vs a watershed dam.
Bloom and Bodenhausen plans are ready to be submitted to DWR for permit
for pipe replacement. Greg has three
sites to start next for pipe replacements:
Site A-22 on Roger Gill; Site B-37 on Richard Teaford and C-19 on Dennis
White. Frank Gilliland made the motion
Dean Burns seconded Passed.
Dave reported on his conversation and review of Site C-105
on Bruce Yonke’s property.
MILL LEVY: We have to
leave the dollar amount same as 2022.
Valuations are way up. Budget
same dollars as 2022 for 2023. Don’t
have to have the extra hearing if we do that.
Chris Schultz of JEO Consulting Group came to introduce
himself and his company to us. They have
offices in Topeka, Lawrence and one other city in Kansas. SITE D-34: DWR has
requested a safety inspection due by March 2023. Cook, Flatt and Strobel will do the inspection
for $1300. Jim Braum made a motion and
Dean seconded. Passed
Our 2019 Quickbooks is not being supported after May 30 by
Quickbooks. Discussed having Leesa
Harshaw do the payroll, etc. Marilyn
will check with her for Judy’s help.
Dave says there is a company in the United Kingdom
that would do the state cost share sites like Dam Watch does for the federal
Dave reviewed all the people he had contacted
about replacing Marilyn. None of them were
interested.Much discussion. Dave discussed a committee of himself, Gary
Pfrang, and Frank Gilliland.
Greg discussed the possibility of moving the
watershed to the Cook, Flatt and Strobel office in Holton. Scott Coleman owns the building. Jim Marietta asked if there was a possibility
that the watershed could have our own
space out there. Greg thought a divider
could be put up.
We will have to have a special meeting. Dan made a motion to hold a special meeting
on Greg’s proposal and costs to do our business. April 28 special meeting to discuss
management. Tim Bolz made a motion to adjourn. Russell seconded.
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
Meeting Minutes
annual meeting January 27, 2022)
following people were in attendance:
Russ Voelker, Frank Gilliland, Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Tim Bolz, Jim
Marietta, Gary Pfrang, Dean Burns, Aaron Utz and Dan Barrow board members. Also in attendance were Dennis White,
Attorney, Corbin Pfrang and Greg Maxwell, Cook, Flatt and Strobel Engineering, Dillan Klepees and Bryce Carpenter, Jonathan
Bryant NBD Burning and Marilyn Snider,
watershed manager.
REORGANIZATION OF BOARD: Dennis White opened it up for nominations
from the floor for president/chairman. Russ Voelker nominated Dave Schmitz. Dennis
White asked three times for nominations for chairman. Dennis asked for nominations to cease..
Dennis White asked for nominations
for Vice Chairman. Dave Schmitz
nominated Jim Marietta. Dennis White
asked three times for nominations for vice chair. Dennis asked that nominations cease.
Dennis White asked for nominations
for Secretary/Treasurer and mentioned that this is a big job. Jim Braum nominated Aaron Utz as
secretary/treasurer. Dennis White asked
for further nominations. Dennis asked
that nominations cease. Aaron Utz was
elected secretary/treasurer.
stated he would entertain a motion to approve the November 11, 2021
minutes. Russ Voelker made a motion to
approve the minutes as read. Dean Burns
seconded. Motion carried.
RENT REVIEW: Frank stated that Joe is looking at $100 a month
increase. There was a question on what
Joe is wanting. $650 per month. We paid $7800 last June for July 1, 2021 to
July 1, 2022. We will table rent review
until March meeting.
SET BOARD MEETING DATES: March 24, July 28 and November 17 Thursdays
at 7:00pm were approved.
BURNING WITH NBD BURNING: There are 10 sites on the list as possibles
to burn. Extensive discussion of cool
season versus warm season grasses and when they should be burned. Dave said that he is hearing that you want to burn
just the ones with native grasses? Come back two or three months later and spray
to kill the brush that is left. Jim
Marietta made a motion to spend about the same amount as last year; Gary Pfrang
seconded. Passed.
A-99 for $48000 partial funded (asked for $65000) and C-58 for $72,000. Gary Pfrang mate a notion to approve; Tim
Bolz seconded; passed.
Motion to approve director or
employee authorized to enter into contracts with State of Kansas to approve
modifications and dollar amounts ($5000) before requiring board action. Russ made the motion to approve Marilyn
Snider for this and Frank Gilliland seconded. Passed. GREG REPORT: Marilyn reported that Greg asked her to
explain that SAKW and NRCS partnering thru Dam Watch to pay for all federal
inspections (41 sites) and then Cook, Flatt and Strobel will do the rest of the
sites for Delaware at the same cost per site as last year, $75 per site.
Dean made the motion to approve $75
per site with Cook, Flatt and Strobel, Jim Marietta seconded. Motion carried.
Greg inspected 135 dams last
year. 13 of those sites rated 3. Main problems were beaver and cattle. Some sites inlet was completely buried with
One of those sites is C-105 on Bruce
Yonke. Front berm is almost gone. Dave will try to make contact with Bruce
AUDITS: Russell Shipley sent a proposal to do an
agreed upon procedures at $2250 for year 2021.
Jim Braum made a motion to approve having Russell Shipley do an agreed
upon procedures; Dean Burns seconded.
FOR 2022: Russ made the motion to pay
$75 dues. Dean Seconded. Passed
When we have proceeded with federal contracts
we had to have special meetings when NRCS was ready.
Russ made a motion to go into
executive session for non-elected personnel and Dean seconded for 10 minutes.
Back in regular session Jim Marietta
made a motion to give Marilyn a $1.00 per hour raise; Frank Gilliland
seconded. Passed.
Utz, Secretary/Treasurer
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
11, 2021 7:00pm Holton
following people were in attendance at the watershed office: Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Dan Barrow, Dean
Burns, Aaron Utz, Frank Gilliland, Gary Pfrang, and Russ Voelker board
members. Also in attendance were John
McManigal, Maintenance Manager, Greg Maxwell, Cook, Flatt and Strobel, and
Marilyn Snider, watershed manager.
President Dave Schmitz called the meeting to
order shortly after 7:00pm.
MINUTES July 22, 2021 Meeting and August
26, 2021 meeting. Jim Braum noted that the July 22 minutes were already
approved; Dean Burns made a motion to approve the special budget meeting
minutes of August 26th, Russ Voelker seconded and the motion
TREASURER’S REPORT: Report included January 1 through the end of
October 2021. Dean Burns made a motion
to approve the report as presented; Jim Braum seconded. Motion carried.
SITE A-49: Jim Marietta made a motion to approve the
contractor, Ohlsen Construction to repair the sink hole on Site A-49; Dean
Burns seconded. Motion carried. (This was previously approved by email.)
SITE A-99 AND C-58 on Dale and Sue
Martin and Tony Raaf properties: We have
not received contracts for cost sharing from the DOC yet. Hakim Saadi had told Marilyn that their legal
department was reviewing the contracts to see if changes are needed. After discussion Dean Burns made a motion to
table this until the January meeting; Frank Gilliland seconded.
structures. The contract starts on
January 1, 2022 and must be completed by December 31, 2022. This would eliminate the need for us to do
inspections on these sites in 2022.
Cook, Flatt and Strobel has the contract. Approval
to pay annual dues for 2022 for SAKW and registration for 71st annual meeting February 1 and 2, 2022 at Hotel Topeka at City Center.
Dean Burns made
a motion to approve paying the dues of $1900 and registration of $65 per
person. Jim Marietta seconded and the
motion passed.
Jim Braum made a motion to approve
reservation for night of February 1, 2022 at Hotel Topeka at City Center at
$91.00 for Marilyn Snider; Frank Gilliland seconded and the motion carried.
Greg Maxwell Report: Greg reported
that he has completed most of the inspections.
Nebo sites and a few sites where crops were in the way are all that are
left. Greg pointed out that the fences mostly
excluded the stilling basin (federal sites).
Greg stated the fence needs to include the stilling basin because of
cattle damages. John McManigal has had
to repair stilling basins. Discussed
ways of correcting this issue. John
McManigal recommended pipe fence.
Cook, Flatt and Strobel will
present us a proposal for next year to do our O&M inspections. Greg stated that the contract would be the
same as this year.
John McManigal has installed some
beaver guards and has a couple sites to clean.
Dennis White small pond pipe is plugged but John isn’t sure that it is
beaver. The dam is covered with sumac.
Beams has a ditch that he needs to put riprap in. Earl Stevens site needs work. Hermesch site
that used to be Fisher’s Site C-127 is plugged from beaver. John stated that he is using the drawdown to
pull down the water down on C-127. Greg
found many sites with sericea lespedeza but it is too late in the season to
spray this year.
KEVIN GUSTAFSON, NRCS ENGINEER: Some sites are no longer viable
(Grasshopper-Coal and Elk Creek). We
need to do more environmental work. We
want to start designing the sites that are still feasible. Need design funds. Need landrights. This is for both Elk Creek and
Grasshopper-Coal Creeks PL-566 sites.
Want to request funds for design.
Right now not a problem to get funds.
Does the watershed want to hire the same firms that did the feasibility
work? Once you get someone on board to
do the work you can use the same contractors that did the feasibility study.
Question was asked about
mitigation. Herb said mitigation cost is
included. Lieu of fee process was
mentioned by Herb. Just have to find
someone who has mitigation acres. The
CORP knows where these mitigation acres are.
The lieu of fee process has
always been expensive. If the costs fit
in with what the feasibility study showed would be acceptable it would work.
is wrapping up the 277 dam contract for 2021.
SAKW spot checked the inspection.
For 2022 281 dams were
approved. The contract was signed and
sent back to the contractor. Sam has
been approved to be an inspector.
SAKW had an O&M workshop in
October. Out of 76 letters we received 6
back. NRCS had a number of attendees. Dave Schmitz our president attended.
Dam Watch collects the information
when we have rain events and reports it back giving dollar amounts of benefits
$3-4 thousand dollars. Trying to get it
considered to put all the state dams into dam watch. Separate from PL_566 dam watch. The company that does dam watch asked all
kinds of questions some of which Herb could not answer in order to include
state dams. Need DWR on board. Division of Conservation is in favor.
State funding issues – 2021
legislative session we didn’t get an enhancement like other agencies do because
they were using the recommendations from the regional advisory committees.
Governor’s 50 year water plan has been in effect 10years . We need to do a better job tracking the (RAX)
Regional Advisory Committees when they meet, sending folks to those when it
comes time to send information to the Governor so that we will be in a better
position. Kansas water Authority – Dam
construction is a main item.
SAKW annual meeting should have
100% of Delaware 10 members in attendance.
Federal employees may not be able to attend. Decided to go with a barbecue caterer. In order to get a representative or senator
to come down to eat a box lunch with your representatives the watershed has to
invite them. Herb would like our
watershed to provide a table top display to toot our own horn. . . . photos or
whatever it takes.
Jim Marietta questioned –Just for clarification
the four sites we prioritize for the 2 sub watersheds. Is that going to be a
different process now? Mitigation costs
still seem ridiculous.
Kevin Gustafson (Gus) mentioned
that when we did the feasibility study we did all the sites still not built in
the two sub watersheds. We cannot go to
design until we have approved plans. The
goal is to get to design and then we will be ready to go into
construction. Discussed how you arrive
at the mitigation numbers. Jim Marietta
asked about the NRCS costs. What kind of
numbers are you guys anticipating. Gus
stated that any site less than 1:1 benefit cost ratio would drop out. Economics will be the main consideration.
Herb mentioned that design can take a year or more to complete including soil
mechanics. Senator Moran worked hard
to get PL-566 moving forward again.
Discussed the possible questions we
need to know answers to when Marilyn retires.
Need job description. A lot of
jobs are filled then the advertisement goes out. Dan suggested that we need someone who has
past experience. It was discussed that
we could start with someone who would work 20 hours a week doing what Marilyn
Have a meal at Trails at 5:30pm
Frank Gilliland asked if the
mitigation effects state cost share sites.
Herb mentioned that since the watershed has the costs on that it would
be different.
SMALL WATERSHED STRUCTURES: The structure we did on Duane Moore’s
property (site C-122) was the only
structure we got done in that program.
It was a cooperative effort with the conservation district. The NRCS engineer designed the project. The CORP is now involved in any project that
effects waters of the US and that wasn’t the case back then.
Russ Voelker made a motion to
adjourn; Dean Burns seconded. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
Utz, Secretary/Treasurer
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
and Revenue Neutral Rate Meeting Minutes
26, 2021 7:00pm Holton
following people were in attendance at the watershed office: Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Tim Bolz, Dan Barrow,
Dean Burns, Aaron Utz, Frank Gilliland, Gary Pfrang, and Russ Voelker board
members. Also in attendance were John
McManigal, Maintenance Manager, Greg Maxwell, Cook, Flatt and Strobel, and
Marilyn Snider, watershed manager.
President Dave Schmitz called the meeting to
order shortly after 7:00pm.
MINUTES July 22, 2021 Meeting. Jim
Braum made a motion to approve the minutes as read; Dean Burns seconded and the
motion carried. Gary Pfrang thanked the
board for the memorial contribution for his mother.
John McManigal’s report was moved
up to here: John reported on the
Beam/Dick site C-120. John mowed it.
Discussed fence; huge tree on fence.
Far East side below dam- really big washout; springy spot up above. Big washout will keep getting bigger.
Site C-19 King. John mowed that. Covered with trees. Will need sprayed. It was suggested that it be put on the burn
list next year.
Marilyn asked what we want to do
about the hole on Site C-120. Effects
the end of the auxiliary spillway. Wet
all the time. Gary mentioned that a load
of rock would just disappear into the hole.
Dan made a motion that we address the problem; Aaron Utz seconded. Site
C-120 was built in 1986. Motion carried
Site F-9 Tim Bolz needs a beaver
guard. Dan Barrow made a motion to put
on a beaver guard; Frank Gilliland seconded.
Motion carried.
GHC 7 – Landowner wanted a fence
fixed to keep cattle in but this fence is outside the confines of the dam. It is along the waterline. Marilyn called the Reichart family back and
told them this fence is outside the watershed responsibility for fencing.
through July 31, 2021. Dennis White
explained that because of a math error, the 2021 budget only taxed at 1.017 for
the watershed. Kathy Mick’s office
verified that all taxpayers were charged the 1.017 mills. Taxpayers paid .9 mill less than the year
before. Reduced our tax receipts. 2022 budget should be 2.014 mills.
Had extended discussion.
The treasurer’s report for July 22
meeting was accurate. Dean Burns made
motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Russell seconded. Motion carried.
RATE: Jim Braum made the motion to
approve exceeding the revenue neutral rate; Dean Burns seconded. Motion carried.
MILLS. Dean Burns made the motion;
Russell seconded. Motion carried.
for resolution was questioned. Gary
Pfrang made the motion to approve the resolution as amended by Dennis White and
Frank Gilliland seconded. Motion
SITE A-49: John mowed as requested. It was questioned as to why mow. Hakim Saadi from DOC requested. Greg stated that the center of the top over
the sink hole had settled. It is
possible material has settled out. Greg
mentioned that basically they would be removing the back half of the dam at the
sink hole. Greg mentioned that going
into winter it would be wise to get the repairs made. The engineer, Duane Mueting, estimated
$40,000 cost to do the repair. Dave
asked, does the board want to go ahead and do the repair work or wait to see if
the state will provide funds next year.
It was discussed as to whether the
contractor should be held responsible for not using proper materials. There would have to be a time limit for
something like that.
Dean Burns made a motion to let bids
for the repair of Site A-49; Gary Pfrang seconded. Passed.
Dean Burns made a motion to email bids to board members; Jim Braum
seconded. Motion carried. Bidding will take place after the permit from
DWR is received.
GREG MAXWELL REPORT: He has looked at about 25% of the dams. So far pipes are in good shape. Sericea lespedeza is on most sites.
Discussed whether any new
construction is going to be possible in the future.
Discussed non jurisdictional dam
possibilities. We built one dam on Duane
Moore’s property without state involvement because it is under the size limit
placed by DWR.. Non jurisdictional dams
can be even larger than they could be then.
Russ Voelker made the motion to
adjourn; Dean Burns seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Utz, Secretary/Treasurer
The governing body
Delaware Watershed
Joint District No. 10
Jefferson County
will meet on
August 26, 2021 at 7:00pm at 125 West 4th St Holton, Kansas 66436 for the
purpose of hearing and
answering objections of taxpayers relating to the
proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to levied.
Detailed budget information is avaiable at 125 West 4th
St Holton, Kansas 66436 and will be available at this hearing.
Jefferson County
(home county) Jackson County, Atchison County, Nemaha County
Proposed Budget 2022 Expenditures and Amount of 2021 Ad
Valorem Tax establish the maximum limits
of the 2022 budget.
Estimated Tax Rate is subject to change depending on the final
assessed valuation.
Prior Year Actual 2020
Current Year Estimate
for 2021
Proposed Budget Year for 2022
Budget Authority
Amount of 2021 Ad Valorem Tax
Tax Rate*
Tax Rate*
for Expenditures
Tax Rate*
Debt Service
Neutral Rate**
see .971 as the RNR
Total Tax
Outstanding Indebtedness,
Jan 1,
G.O. Bonds
Revenue Bonds
Lease Pur. Princ.
*Tax rates are expressed in mills.
**Revenue Neutral Rate as
defined by 2021 Kansas Senate Bill 13.
Delaware Watershed
Joint District No. 10
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
Meeting Minutes
18, 2021 7:00pm Holton DVT-D003
following people were in attendance at the watershed office: Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Jim Marietta, Tim
Bolz, Russ Voelker, Frank Gilliland, Aaron Utz, Dan Barrow, Dean Burns and Gary
Pfrang board members. Also in attendance
were Herb Graves, SAKW, Greg Maxwell, Cook, Flatt and Strobel, and Marilyn
Snider, watershed manager,
President Dave Schmitz called the meeting to
order shortly after 7:00pm.
MINUTES January 21, 2021 Quarterly
Meeting. Dave Schmitz read the minutes
aloud. Russ Voelker made a motion to
approve the minutes as printed; Dean Burns seconded and the motion carried.
through February 28, 2021. Gary Pfrang asked why the county tax amount was so
much lower this year as compared to last year.
Marilyn responded that the next tax amount received was received in
March and therefore doesn’t show up on the January to February report. Our home county is Jefferson County. Jim Marietta
made a motion to approve the report as printed; Russ Voelker seconded. Motion Carried.
HAZARD SITES REQUIRED BY DWR DUE BY APRIL 30, 2022: Sites are G-17, A-15 and A-24. We have bids from Cook, Flatt and Strobel and
Duane Mueting. Cook, Flatt and Strobel
will do the inspections for $800 each site.
Duane Mueting’s bid was $1650. Per site.
Jim Marietta made a motion to approve Cook, Flatt and Strobel at $800
per site. Dean Burns seconded, Motion
2022 BUDGET: After discussion Dean Burns made a motion to
keep the budget around 2 mills; Aaron Utz seconded; passed; 1 opposed.
Site C-58 rehab application
submitted May 21, 2020 to DOC; Received DWR permit 1/28/2021. Do not have cost share approved.
REVIEW OF OLD MOTIONS: Removal of director; multiple landowners on
site (not motion); charge landowner for negligence damage 11-8-2012
minutes. Discussed proxies.
Grasshopper-Coal Creeks Sub
Watershed doesn’t have a representative board member since Alan Barnett did not
renew. Gary Pfrang mentioned that the Holton Recorder
agreed to print the watershed minutes in the paper.
Dennis White mentioned that State
Watershed law KSA 24-1210 and 24-1211 deals with election of board members.
Each watershed site that has been
constructed was checked to see how many easements were required for each
site. Most sites required more than one
easement. Marilyn mentioned that we have
not had a lot of complaints from the landowners of our sites whether there were
one landowner or multiple landowners.
Dennis White mentioned that the
operation and maintenance agreement could have wording limiting ownership
numbers. Landowners sign to take care of
the dam in the operation and maintenance agreement on state cost share sites. Landowners don’t have equipment to do much
GREG MAXWELL REPORT: Greg presented a proposal for operation and
maintenance inspections from Cook, Flatt and Strobel Engineering. They would do the inspections for $75 per
site. If they have to go out for
maintenance issues they would charge $58 per hour and mileage. Dan Barrow made
a motion to go with the Cook Flatt and Strobel proposal for O&M; Gary
Pfrang seconded. Motion carried. One opposed.
Herb Graves report: A lot of challenges in 2020. State and locally funded dams are being put
into Dam Watch. Dam Watch is a web based
program on all watershed dams, hydrologic information etc. divided by watershed (state dams are being
added). When a rain event goes across
the watershed it will send out alerts reported on dam watch. It is a powerful program. It will calculate the individual actual
dollar damages per landowner downstream for a storm event. Still working on that.
Currently under agreement with NRCS
to do O&M inspections on 277 federal dams in the Walnut and Verdigris
Basins. Mismanagement by the watershed –
fencing, main issues. Possibly do Delaware Watershed next year.
SAKW is working on the potential of
a O&M Workshop. We sent out
questionnaires to watersheds. Out of 76
districts only 18 districts have responded.
Legislative activities: Thank goodness for U-tube. Hearings were live at the same time on Zoom. We are trying to get Senator Moran out here
to view watershed dams. Conduct a tour
Initiated a sit-down with DOC
Zoom-wise once a month.
BURN LIST: Site B-69 (Bennett) and GHC 23 (Kelly). Those sites would be more expensive because
of needing to hire more help. Tim Bolz
said his site was burned last year and doesn’t need to be on the list this
year. Discussion about when and how
often a dam should be burned.
All business completed Dean Burns
made the motion to adjourn. Russ Voelker
seconded. It was approximately 9:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Utz, Secretary/Treasurer
PO BOX 70 HOLTON, KANSAS 66436 785-364-4309
JANUARY 21, 2021
David Schmitz, President, called the meeting to
order at 7:00pm . Dave welcomed everyone to the 64th annual meeting
of the Delaware Watershed, thanking them for taking time to be here. Dennis White, Hakim Saadi and Jamie Johnson
are on Zoom while the board is present in the office. David Schmitz introduced Aaron Utz as
proposed board member to replace Bill Gilliland and Terry Kramer owner of Elk
Creek Site 13.
Dave asked for a motion to approve the 2020 annual meeting minutes noting that
the minutes are on pages 5, and 6 of the program booklet. Russ Voelker made a motion to approve the
minutes Jim Braum seconded. Motion
FINANCIAL REPORT: Dave noted the financial
report is on page 8 of the program booklet. Charge on credit card questioned. Marilyn reported on one instance the
watershed was charged by Intuit for help that we didn’t request and another
charge was tax. Both were refunded which
caused a credit balance on our credit card. (The amount of tax money received
in 2020 was $313,689.79) Frank Gilliland
made a motion to approve financial report; Dan Barrow seconded. Motion carried.
read the resolution to those in attendance.
Frank Gilliland made a motion to approve the resolution for 2021; Dean
Burns seconded and the motion carried.
Several board members signed the resolution.
DEPOSITORIES FOR 2021: Frank Gilliland
made a motion to retain the Holton National Bank, which is now GNBank, Denison
State Bank and Farmers State Bank as our depositories for 2021; Jim Marietta
motioned and Dean Burns seconded and the motion carried.
OF APPRECIATION: Neither Bill Gilliland
nor Alan Barnett were present, but Dave showed the certificates to those
Election: Dave asked for any nominations from the floor
three times. Jim Marietta made a motion
for nominations to cease; Russ Voelker seconded and the motion carried. Ballots were collected. Dave congratulated Jim Braum, David Schmitz
on their re-elections. Also, Aaron Utz
was elected to replace Bill Gilliland.
But no one has been found yet to replace Allen Barnett.
PLAN Dave Schmitz presented the
five-year plan as shown on page 7 of the program. Jim Marietta made a motion to accept the
five-year plan as presented, Russ
Voelker seconded and the motion carried. Discussed multi-owner structures and whether
we should build any additional multi-owner sites in the future.
Braum made the motion to adjourn the annual meeting to the re-organizational
quarterly meeting; Jim Marietta seconded
and motion carried. Respectfully submitted
Marilyn Snider, Acting Secretary/Treasurer
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
Meeting Minutes
annual meeting January 21, 2021)
The following people were in
attendance: Russ Voelker, Frank
Gilliland, Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Jim Marietta, Aaron Utz, Dean Burns and Dan
Barrow board members. Also in attendance
were Greg Maxwell, Cook, Flatt and Strobel Engineering, Terry Kramer, landowner
and Marilyn Snider, watershed manager.
Dennis White was via ZOOM.
REORGANIZATION OF BOARD: Dennis White opened it up for nominations
from the floor for President. Jim Braum
nominated Dave Schmitz. Dennis White asked three times for nominations
for chairman. Jim Braum asked that
nominations cease. Then Dennis recognized
Dave Schmitz as new chairman. Dennis asked
for show of hands; remarked that Dave Schmitz was elected by unanimous consent.
Dennis White asked for nominations
for Vice Chairman from the floor. Dave
Schmitz nominated Jim Marietta. Dennis
asked for further nominations; Russ Voelker asked for nominations to
cease. Dennis White asked three times for nominations
for vice chair. Jim Marietta elected by show
of hands.
Dennis White asked for nominations
for Secretary/Treasurer from the floor. Dave Schmitz noted that Alan Barnett
had had this position for a number of years.
Dave Schmitz nominated Aaron Utz as secretary/treasurer. Jim Marietta moved that nominations
cease. Aaron Utz was elected
secretary/treasurer by show of hands.
Discussion ensued for financial
matters. This included interest rates,
number of CDs, banks of record, duration, the need to stagger the duration, and
board information, reporting and regular quarterly meeting discussions were
MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 2020: A copy of the November 19, 2020 minutes was
in each board member’s packet. Dave Schmitz asked if there were any corrections
or additions to the minutes. There being
none Frank Gilliland made a motion to approve the minutes and Jim Braum
seconded. Motion carried.
DUES: Jim Braum made the motion to pay
the $75 dues. Dean Burns seconded. Motion carried.
SET BOARD MEETING DATES: After calendars were checked, the following
dates March 18, July 22 and November 11 on Thursdays at 7:00pm were accepted. Dean
Burns made the motion to accept; Frank Gilliland seconded. Motion carried.
AUDIT: After discussion Dan Barrow
made the motion that we would do an agreed upon procedure audit. Frank Gilliland seconded and the motion
carried. We will have James Gordon and
Associates do an agreed upon procedures audit (estimated cost of $2,200).
Report from Greg Maxwell for Cook,
Flatt and Strobel: Greg reported that
the Nebo Floodway has been completed.
Aaron Utz mentioned that it turned out excellent. The floodway required Kings Construction to
extend the floodway an additional 400 feet East. It was decided that the boundaries of the
floodway would be marked every 500 feet with white PVC pipe for
visibility. Jackson Farmers elevator was
given a copy of the map to show where the floodway boundaries are for spraying
Terry Kramer, landowner at Site Elk
13, reported that an irrigation pond is being built upstream of the structure
on his property. They took 350 acres off his drainage. Landowners weren’t notified about the
construction. Greg and Dave saw it as a
benefit by reducing chemicals and silt into the
watershed structure. Greg remarked that
a structure smaller than 25 feet tall from the bottom of ditch to top of dam
doesn’t need a permit any more.
Greg mentioned that GHC 27 is
complete. Mike Anderson,
landowner, came down when Greg was there pointing out a small area that
appeared to not have gotten seeded.
Anderson had allowed the dam to be “destroyed” and now he is complaining
about a small unseeded area. Greg mentioned that with landownerships changing
O&M costs will continue to increase.
People don’t understand. Word
needs passed on to new owners that watershed dams have restrictions.
John McManigal sent a report for the
meeting. I had asked him to check the mitigation fence at Alan Barnett’s Site
GHC 19. He reported there were trees and
brush on the fence. The Water gaps need repaired. Cattle are getting out. There is a weeks worth of work. John said would take both machines a week;
materials about $1000 with a $7500 cost for the work. GHC 1A has similar problems. Dan Barrow made a motion to have
someone else look at Alan Barnetts mitigation area fence and give an estimate
of cost to do the work; Dean Burns seconded.
Motion carried.
Dan discussed fence around watershed
dams and mitigation areas. Is the
landowner responsible to help with fence maintenance? Most sites Marilyn provides a map to show where
the mitigation area is in relation to the watershed dam. Marilyn also reminded
the watershed board of the obligation to repair and maintain these wildlife
areas as part of the permit requirement received by either the state or federal
permitting agencies before construction.
Marilyn normally sends a letter to
the landowner each year with a copy of the inspection sheet.
Greg is currently doing inspections
down south. Delaware’s $80 per site is
not adequate. They have costs of $250
per site. John does the watershed a good
job for repair work but shouldn’t do inspections on those same sites. Frank Gilliland mentioned that a person has
to be trained to do a good inspection.
Dan Barrow made a motion to have
Greg get an estimate from Cook, Flatt and Strobel to do O&M inspections and
follow-up inspections after work is done for our
next meeting, Dean Burns seconded.
Motion carried.
Discussion concerning a person to do
inspections and then follow up after repair work is done – photos before and
after. Marilyn reported we are getting
pictures before and after from John for work his crew does. John has asked the board at past board
meetings to have someone go out and look at the sites where he does work to see
if the work is adequate. That hasn’t
NBD BURNING SITES: Marilyn came up with 21 sites that need
burned. Last year some sites were burned
too early. Need to use common
sense. Can’t burn when too wet. Wait until late March or April to do
burns. Jim Braum made a motion to burn
grass at their discretion and burn brush after April 1; Dean Burns seconded. Passed.
Aaron Utz made a motion we require
the inspections be done approximately two weeks after the burning is done; Russ
seconded. Motion carried.
Frank Gilliland made a motion to
enter executive session for 15 minutes at 9:50pm to 10:05; Dean Burns seconded. Dan Barrow made motion to come out
of executive session; Jim Braum seconded.
WAGE REVIEW FOR MARILYN: Frank made a motion to give Marilyn $1.00 per
hour. Jim Marietta seconded. Motion
passed with 2 voting against.
Jim Marietta made the motion to
adjourn. Jim Braum seconded. It was approximately 10:15pm.
Marilyn Snider
Snider, Acting Secretary/Treasurer
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
Hearing and Quarterly Meeting Minutes
16, 2020 7:00pm Holton
following people were in attendance at the watershed office: Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Jim Marietta, Tim
Bolz, Alan Barnett, and Dean Burns board members. Also in attendance were Greg Maxwell, Cook,
Flatt and Strobel, Russell Shipley, auditor with James Gordon and Associates
CPA, John McManigal and grandson, Dru and Marilyn Snider, watershed manager,
President Dave Schmitz called the meeting to
order shortly after 7:00pm.
MINUTES April 23, 2020 ZOOM Meeting. Jim Braum made a motion to approve the
minutes as printed; Dean Burns seconded and the motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT, January 1 through
June 30, 2020. Jim Marietta made a
motion to approve the report as printed; Dean Burns seconded. Motion Carried.
2019 AUDIT REPORT: Russell Shipley of Sink, Gordon and
Associates handed out copies of two letters and copies of the 2019 audit and then
reviewed them with those present. Page 3
of the audit is summary and page 10 is the detail of expenditures. Page 9 shows
summary of expenditures actual vs budget.
Jim Marietta asked a question concerning overspending budget (budget
violation). Russell replied that the
budget can be amended to prevent a budget violation if it is known before the
end of the year. Russell also replied that it is better to have a budget
violation than a cash violation.
Schmitz mentioned that the watershed has been informed by Hakim Saadi, DOC,
that funds are maybe not going to be available as earlier thought for pipe
replacements. Hakim says that high or
significant hazard projects will be funded first and ours are low hazard. What does the board feel about funding a
project on our own without state involvement.
Russell reported that if what we spent goes over budget we should amend
budget before end of year.
Alan Barnett made a motion to
approve the audit as presented and printed; Jim Braum seconded. Motion carried.
2021 BUDGET: Mills in the 2021 budget are 2.007 to give us
$214,100. Budget for 2020 was
1.929. After discussion Tim Bolz made a
motion to approve the 2021 budget. Alan
Barnett seconded and motion passed.
NEBO FLOWWAY: Marilyn reported that we are stalled on the
Moore easement. Lowell Moore still has
to sign and him being in Oklahoma or New Mexico it is hard to get with
him. The other Moores signed the
easement and sent it to Lowell who said he didn’t get it. The other four Moores had to resign and they
are attempting to get Lowell’s signature.
GHC 27: Dan Barrow asked at the last meeting “What
can we do about landowners allowing cattle to tear up the dam”. He wanted it discussed at this meeting. Greg Maxwell reported that to solve this
problem we are shaping a crossing below the dam to solve a ditch problem. Greg mentioned that he has discussed the
problem with Mike Anderson, the landowner.
The problem is we don’t know who the renter who owns the cattle is. Someone stated that the renter is a man named
SITE C-58 TONY RAAF PROPERTY: If we install a drawdown Greg says we would
have to essentially drain the pond. The
Raafs are worried about losing all their water if we put in a drawdown. It doesn’t currently have a drawdown
pipe. Greg would like to have this site
rehabed first. It has erosion under the
pipe outlet. Marilyn reported that Site C-58 is the one site we have submitted
to the DOC and rehab plans have been submitted without drawdown pipe. Site C-58 has a homemade watering
was discussion about downstream landowners and whether they would want a
drawdown pipe available. John reported
that a drawdown pipe makes maintenance easier where the water level needs lowered.
Bolz made a motion to NOT install a drawdown pipe on Site C-58 when the rehab
is done; Jim Braum seconded and motion passed.
made a motion to approve Marilyn Snider to make needed modifications for Site
C-58 rehab and GHC-27/B-55 rehab; Dean Burns seconded and the motion passed.
JIM MARIETTA: Reported on Dam Watch. We have not had any tickets on any of our
sites this year.
GREG MAXWELL REPORT: Site C-59 construction is complete. He just needs to get Bob Chambers from Cook,
Flatt and Strobel to come up and see it to sign paperwork. GHC 27 is just started. Ohlsens have drawn down the water 2-3 feet
with a pump from Caterpillar. They
couldn’t get the valve open. John has a
tool that he could get the valve open but getting it closed is an additional
problem. Mike Anderson is worried about
his fish. Greg reported that they have a
new valve found.
JOHN’S REPORT ON MAINTENANCE: Jeff Reichart, GHC 7, the west rock fence
barrier has settled and there is erosion.
He has called Marilyn a number of times.
John is prepared to fix the problem.
Terry Metzger, Site E-9, has sold the North acres with the watershed
pond on it. The new owner, Scott Sayles,
is very interested in having the beaver guard installed. Site E-9 has had beaver problems for a number
of years..
All business completed Tim Bolz
made the motion to adjourn. Dean Burns
seconded. Adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Alan Barnett, Secretary/Treasurer
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
Meeting Minutes
23, 2020 7:00pm Holton
following people were in attendance on ZOOM:
Russ Voelker, Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Jim Marietta, Bill Gilliland, Tim
Bolz, Dan Barrow and Frank Gilliland board members. Also in attendance were Dennis White,
Attorney, Greg Maxwell, Cook, Flatt and Strobel, and Marilyn Snider, watershed
manager, Hakim Saadi, DOC, Herb Graves, Manager SAKW, Roger Masenthin and Paul Larson, NRCS and
Barb Oltjen, Manager Wolf River Watershed. Bruce Rinkes, landowner, President Dave Schmitz called the meeting to
order shortly after 7:00pm. Agenda
changed. Marilyn asked for addition of
Copy machine to the agenda. Jim Braum
made motion for agenda changes; Tim Bolz seconded and the motion passed.
MINUTES January 23, 2020. Jim Braum made a motion to approve the
minutes as printed; Tim Bolz seconded and the motion carried.
through February 2020. Jim Braum made a
motion to approve the report as printed; Tim Bolz seconded. Motion Carried.
BUDGET FOR 2021: After discussion Frank Gilliland made a
motion to leave mill levy same as last year.
Dan Barrow seconded and motion passed.
Roughly a 6% valuation increase
this year.
PIPE REPLACEMENTS: Hakim Saadi says next year could be low taxes
monies available. Hakim would need
applications by June 30 of this year. Also DWR permits needed by June 30 in
order to have a good chance of getting funded.
The Division of Conservation (DOC) has a limit of $120,000 per
watershed. We could possibly replace
pipes in 2 to 3 structures. Marilyn had
provided a list of eleven structures in the Spring Straight Sub Watershed that
are over 30 years old with corrugated metal pipes. However, there could be structures with pipes
in worse condition in other parts of the watershed. Jim Braum made a motion to have Greg Maxwell
look at the whole watershed to determine 3 to 4 sites that need pipe
replacement the worst. Bill Gilliland
seconded and the motion carried. Bill
Gilliland made a motion that after the best candidates are found where pipe
replacements are most needed we would apply for funds from DOC; Tim Bolz
seconded and the motion carried.
Hakim Saadi reported that this year
DOC has funds to do the pipe replacements.
Next year is most likely to be very different. All Hakim asks is that we get the
applications by the deadline of June 30.
If we have the permit from DWR by June 30 you have a much better chance
of getting the funds up to $120,000.
Dave Schmitz asked about pressure
testing. Hakim stated that they don’t
require the pressure testing. He just
noted that a 30year old pipe is about to the end of its life. Greg mentioned that those sites below feed
lots etc the pipes would deteriorate faster.
The Nemaha Brown watershed site that failed was below the Sabetha water
treatment plant which caused it to deteriorate faster and the Nemaha Brown
Watershed dropped the ball. Marilyn will
send the maintenance reports for the watershed to Greg so he can try to find
the sites most needing pipe replacement anywhere in the watershed.
&T: Coltin Ridenour discussed the
proposed contract. Item #9 has been
corrected. After discussion Jim Marietta
suggested Coltin meet at Nebo with a couple board members. Frank and Dan will coordinate with Coltin to
meet at Nebo to try to come up with an agreement within the next couple
weeks. Needs to be on a day that other
field work for KDWLP&T can’t be done.
Where does the contract say brush and noxious weeds on the dam itself
will be sprayed? Dan Barrow believes
Nebo State Lake should be burned or mowed every year. Coltin
reported that the KDWL&P won’t take care of trees. They are a liability issue for
KDWLP&T. Whatever is agreed upon at
Nebo State Lake needs to be in the written contract. Frank and Dan can speak for the board.
Russ had to exit meeting as his
battery was dying.
GHC 27 BID OPENING/DD VALVE: We only have one bid from Ohlsen
Construction. Without the valve on the
bid, Marilyn reported that the bid is $64,389.19. Greg Maxwell stated he has found a completely
different valve that would cost approximately $4000. It is a fully enclosed resilient wedge, bonneted
(cover over valve), valve with either compression or flange end. Paul Larson
reported that that is a better valve. Eric Ohlsen had told Greg he thought that
would work. Total bid would then be
around $68,389.19.
Greg reported that Ohlsens intend
to try to get the valve that is in the structure now working to lower the water
level. If they can get that done, then
does the board just want to leave the valve in the dam? Paul Larson remarked that it may not work
forever even if they get it working.
Valves must be worked frequently to keep them working. Frank would be in favor of leaving the old
valve in if they can get it working, second choice would be the $4000 installed
valve if not, but he is not in favor of the $25,000 valve.
Jim Marietta made a motion to go
with the bid at $64,389.19 if the contractor can get the old valve working; if
not then the bid would go to $68,389.19.
Any bidding will have quantity variations. Dan Barrow seconded. Passed. NEBO FLOWWAY: Greg called John Bowser last Friday and he
isn’t interested in the pond. Carl
Anderson doesn’t own the land where the Nebo Flowway needs extended. Bobby Moore and Jerry Wheeler own the land
needed. Greg called both and they were
receptive about extending the flowway down into their wood lots so it could
drain on out. Greg suggested we get
confirmation that that is the correct ownership, then get easements signed; let
bids before the July meeting (June), then when it gets dry we will have a
contractor hired to get it done. Survey
work is done. Jim Braum made the motion
to get landowners contacted to obtain easements; Tim Bolz seconded. Motion carried.
JOHN’S REPORT ON MAINTENANCE: John’s report stated “We have been concentrating
on cleaning PS inlet tubes. Several were
plugged or partially plugged. John’s
crew is nearly done with those but has been dealing with mud and wet conditions
trying to get to them. Also John has a
list of ponds with brush or sericea lespedeza problems and will be checking
those a little later in the season”.
COPY MACHINE: Dave reported that Marilyn can’t scan on the
copier with the new computer. She has
gotten a bid from Logan Business Machines for Sharp copier at $4750. Black copies at 1 cent and color copies at 6
cents per copy. Jim Braum says there is
another company called 360 Document Solutions.
He will send information on 360 Document Solutions by email. Service agreements are comparable. Tim Bolz made a motion to purchase the one
for low bid and Bill Gilliland seconded.
Passed. (Marilyn negotiated with Logan Business Equipment and will get
the color copier from them for $4395.00 to be delivered April 30)
PROPOSAL: Roger Masenthin reported that
we have submitted the federal proposal for 2020 GHC for Sites 21 and 28A. Proposal was submitted by April 17. The 2019 Elk Creek Consolidated
Appropriations Act Proposal was approved for design in January 2020. Environmental work is still needed on Elk
Creek Sites 4 and 12. Will probably have
original A&E firm do that additional work.
All business completed Jim Marietta
made the motion to adjourn. Tim Bolz
seconded. Adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Snider, Acting Secretary/Treasurer
PO BOX 70 HOLTON, KANSAS 66436 785-364-4309
JANUARY 23, 2020
David Schmitz, President, called the meeting
to order at 7:00pm . Dave welcomed everyone to the 63rd annual meeting
of the Delaware Watershed, thanking them for taking time to be here.
Dave asked for a motion to approve the 2019 annual meeting minutes noting that
the minutes are on pages 5, and 6 of the program booklet. Jim Braum made a motion to approve the minutes,
Dean Burns seconded. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Dave noted the financial
report is on page 8 of the program booklet. Marilyn reported that CD #627330320 shows a
balance of $70,351.47. The 351.47
interest should be in the checking account.
Balance on the report wouldn’t change.
Jim Marietta made a motion to
accept the financial report as corrected and Bill Gilliland seconded. Motion carried.
read the resolution to those in
attendance. Jim Braum made a motion to
approve the resolution for 2020; Gary Pfrang seconded and the motion carried. Several board members signed the resolution.
DEPOSITORIES FOR 2020: Frank Gilliland
made a motion to retain the Holton National Bank, which is now GNBank, Denison
State Bank and Farmers State Bank as our depositories for 2020; Bill Gilliland
seconded and the motion carried.
SPEAKER: Bruce Rinkes, Project Supervisor for Cook
Flatt and Strobel, reported on current mitigation requirements. Currently, Bruce reported, permanent water is
used to calculate mitigation debits.
Spread sheet for a storage system.
Full length of the stream.
Mitigation is severe because valleys are so narrow in Delaware drainage. Anyone out driving around can view the
bottomless culvert in Mill Creek. You
are at the mercy of the Corp of Engineers at the moment you start your
mitigation plan. It is not cheap and not
easy. Every mitigation report is site
specific. Cost is about 1/3 of the
project for construction. Preparing the
mitigation plan costs are as great or greater than costs to design a dam. Last report Bruce did was 60 pages long. $150,000-$175,000 mitigation costs.
we are looking for is low water crossing or perched culvert that can be changed
to bottomless culvert. When you are out
traveling around look for those to use for mitigation.
distance that will be covered up. CORP
engineers don’t think watersheds want to build any more dams. Any obstructions in any streams – look at
county roads for perched culverts to be able to replace. Gain points by opening streams up all the
way. If any other obstruction in the
drainage it cuts your points in half.
other big thing coming down the pike is the Indian tribes are taking a major
stake in all this so now you get to do an archeological report with a private
firm for the Indian information.
Election: Dave asked for any nominations from the floor
three times. Jim Marietta made a motion
for nominations to cease; Tim Bolz seconded and the motion carried. Ballots were collected. Dennis White counted ballots. Dave congratulated Dan Barrow, Gary Pfrang
and Russell Voelker on their re-elections.
PLAN Dave Schmitz presented the
five-year plan as shown on page 7 of the program. Dean Burns made a motion to accept the
five-year plan as presented, Bill
Gilliland seconded and the motion carried.
Pfrang made the motion to adjourn the annual meeting to the reorganizational
quarterly meeting; Dean Burns seconded
and motion carried.
Barnett, Secretary/Treasurer
PHONE AND FAX: 785-364-4309
Meeting Minutes
annual meeting January 23, 2020)
following people were in attendance:
Russ Voelker, Frank Gilliland, Dave Schmitz, Jim Braum, Tim Bolz, Jim
Marietta, Alan Barnett, Bill Gilliland, Gary Pfrang, Dean Burns and Dan Barrow
board members. Also in attendance were Dennis
White, Attorney, Bruce Rinkes and Greg Maxwell, Cook, Flatt and Strobel
Engineering, Kenneth Utz, Aaron Utz, landowners, Dillan Klepees and Bryce
Carpenter, NBD Burning and Marilyn Snider, watershed manager.
REORGANIZATION OF BOARD: Dennis White opened it up for nominations
from the floor for president/chairman. Bill
Gilliland nominated Dave Schmitz. Dennis White asked three times for nominations
for chairman. Dennis asked for nominations
to cease. Jim Braum moved nominations cease.
Bill moved that we elect Dave Schmitz for president by acclimation. Russ
Voelker seconded.
Dennis White asked for nominations
for Vice Chairman. Dave Schmitz
nominated Jim Marietta. Dennis White asked
three times for nominations for vice chair.
Tim Boles made motion that nominations cease.
Bill Gilliland made motion that Jim
Marietta be made vice chairman by acclimation.
Dave Schmitz seconded.
Dennis White asked for nominations
for Secretary/Treasurer and mentioned that this is a big job. Frank Gilliland nominated Alan Barnett as
secretary/treasurer. Dennis White asked
for further nominations. Jim Marietta
moved that nominations cease. Dave
Schmitz seconded. Bill Gilliland made
motion that Alan Barnett be elected secretary/treasurer by acclimation. Dave Schmitz seconded. Alan Barnett was elected secretary/treasurer.
Agenda modified per motion by Jim
Marietta seconded by Bill Gilliland.
NEBO FLOODWAY: Greg Maxwell reported that we can get the
floodway back to original grade by extending it into the timber another 500-600
feet. There is an overfall so ½ foot of
drop can be gained. The floodway original
plans have it dropping 2 inches every 100 feet.
About 4000 yards of excavation needed.
100 acres water drainage. Food
for thought, the upper area on Bowsers where he winters cattle is about 100
feet wide. Greg thought a silt dam might
be a good idea to extend the life of the floodway. Estimated cost to clean the floodway $29,000
and then the dam on John Bowser would be 8000 yards. Greg thought the dam would be a cost share
deal. The dam would cost approximately
The Floodway has had to be cleaned
out every 15 to 20 years. The dam, if
built, would have to be cleaned out too.
The floodway could be narrowed up to probably 80 feet vs the 100 feet
that upper part is now.
Dave Schmitz asked Ken Utz to
explain why the floodway was constructed as part of the Nebo project. Ken stated they originally had three
structures in the plan. The floodway
originally flowed south into Nebo Creek which caused much flooding so they
changed it to go to an old bio on the Delaware.
That redirected the water away from Nebo.
Further discussion was had on the
proposed silt pond. John Bowser sowed
down the area in 1995.
Dave Schmitz reported that he was
down there with Jerry Wheeler when Greg was surveying for the floodway. He saw where Jerry Wheeler is farming down to
the bottom of the floodway. Jerry
Wheeler was told that day that he needs to quit farming to the bottom of the
Carl Anderson owns the timber land
where we would need to extend the floodway.
If Carl Anderson refuses then the floodway can’t even be gotten back to
original grade.
Dave suggested tabling this until
we know what Anderson says.
Marilyn said that if we change the
design we would have to go through NRCS.
However, since it is over 50 years old NRCS may not need to be involved.
BURNING WITH NBD BURNING: There are 38 on the list as possibles to burn. The cost last year to do 10 structures
including Nebo State Lake was $7450.00.
Looks like B-69 needs burned again.
Maybe push some that are not bushed out well should be pushed back into
April. Dean Burns made a motion to burn
as many as works out. Frank Gilliland
seconded. Passed.
MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 2019: Correction Gary Pfrang was in
attendance. Tim Bolz made a motion to
approve with correction; Dean Burns seconded.
Marilyn reported that she has not
received a copy of the report on D39 and D-40 from Bettis. Terracon said they couldn’t provide a copy of
the report since Bettis had requested. She has requested from Bettis twice.
Mitigation Bank?: Bruce Rinkes looked into that. They won’t let me (Bruce) carry credits
forward from one site to another.
Brian Lang works with Doyle Creek
and is working on a mitigation bank for the watershed. They are not tying it to a particular
site. They are developing a mitigation
plan for the bank Jim Marietta said. The
hope was they could get credits for the new culverts and then the district
could be the mitigation bank. They would
have to have app approved for bank and each project using points from the bank
in their watershed.
Bruce said anytime you change your
plan it has to go out on public notice.
Takes months.
PROPERTY: We are waiting for the
Pottawatomi Tribe (Mike Boswell) to tell what they plan to do. We need it in writing.
2020 MEETING DATES: Thursdays March 19, July 16 and November 19
at 7:00pm. We will probably have to have
another meeting in July or early August to have the budget hearing and approve
the budget.
Gary Pfrang made the motion to
approve the dates; Dean Burns
seconded. Passed.
AUDITS: Gordon and Associates in Manhattan has said
they would charge $4000 to $5000. Bill
suggested Marilyn check around to see if we can get a better price. Russ suggested Marilyn check with the local
banks for other firms. Suggested
contacting Paul Heinen in Valley Falls.
Bill suggested Marilyn get figures then contact board by email for
KDWP&T: The contract stated
KDWP&T will burn the dam every 3rd year. That was in the old contract too but they
haven’t burned every third year. Bill
Gilliland made a motion to accept the contract.
Dan Barrow thought they should burn every year. There was discussion on how often burning
should be done. Dan Barrow also stated
he thought KDWP&T should remove brush and sericea lespedeza. KDWP&T stocks the lake; feeds the fish,
clears the trash, cleans restroom and checks for fishing licenses. Russ seconded Bill Gilliland’s motion.
Dan asked who is liable when the
public goes in there since our contract is not current. Dennis White noted that the landowner would
not be responsible where there is statutory protection.
Vote was 3 in favor, six against,
one abstained. Renewing the contract
with KDWP&T failed.
What do you want added to the
contract?: 1. KDWP&T
to take care of noxious weeds and do vegetation control on all the
watershed property.
Russ mentioned that after July 5
areas can be mowed,etc. How often will
they mow? Russ suggested we answer their
ad for leasing to see what they would pay.
Dennis White noted that the lease hasn’t
changed over the years. Jim Marietta
asked if it would be beneficial to have KDWP&T to come to our next meeting.
Tim has found a conference table at state
surplus, solid cherry, 16 foot, some assembly required, $150.00 and have roller
chairs for $10 each. We will get on
their mailing list. Motion by Jim Braum
to buy the table and chairs; second by Russell Voelker. Passed
COMPUTER ESTIMATE: Jason Woltje provided an estimate to replace
watershed computer. Two choices of
computer: one is Intel NUC813BEH with
one year warranty. The second
OPTI-3070MICRO del optiplex with 3 year warranty for $799.99. Bill Gilliland made a motion to purchase the
$799.99 computer. Frank Gilliland
seconded. Passed.
NATIONAL WATERSHED COALITION DUES: Jim Braum made a motion to pay the annual
National Watershed Coalition dues for 2020 of $75; Dean Burns seconded and the
motion carried.
Dean Burns made a motion to go into
executive session for 10 minutes at 9:20pm.
Bill made motion to go in regular session; Russell seconded. Jim Braum made motion for 5 more minutes in
executive session Jim Marietta
seconded. Passed. Bill motion to go into regular session; Russell seconded.
Dave asked for motion. Bill Gilliland made a motion to give Marilyn
$1.00 per hour raise. Frank Gilliland
seconded. Passed. One opposed.
Bill Gilliland made the motion to
adjourn. Tim Bolz seconded. It was approximately 10:05pm.
Barnett, Secretary/Treasurer